Winnipeg Pool Repair & Renovation Company Advises Customers To Be Mindful Of Evaporation During The Fall Season

UV PoolsBlog, Coping Replacement, Filters, Liner, Pool 101, Pool Decks, Safety Fence, Salt Water Conversions, Sanitation Systems, Skimmer & Jet Placement, Staircase

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WINNIPEG, MANITOBA: UV Pools, a Winnipeg pool repair and renovation company, wants pool owners in Winnipeg to know that more evaporation is to be expected during the fall, and to expect water levels in their pool to drop faster during the season.


The company has created a YouTube video to help clients confirm if their pool is leaking. In this video, a bucket test is described. In this test, a pool owner fills three-quarters of a bucket with water and then marks the water line with tape. They then mark the pool’s water line with tape. After 24 hours, the drop in the water line in both the pool and the bucket is measured with a ruler; if both water lines have gone down by about the same amount, evaporation is the cause, and a pool leak is ruled out.


Dale Kreviazuk, the owner of UV Pools, wants clients to save time and money by learning the difference between evaporation and pool leaks. “We get phone calls all through September and into October from pool owners worried about a leak—and 9 times out of 10, it’s just evaporation,” said Mr. Kreviazuk. “When the days are warm but the overnight temperatures are much cooler, evaporation occurs at a much faster rate. By placing a solar blanket over your pool at night, you can dramatically reduce the rate of evaporation. By knowing this and the bucket test, pool owners can save time and money because they’ll know whether or not their pool is leaking or just experiencing faster evaporation.”


Founded in 2006 by Dale Kreviazuk, UV Pools offers pool services in Winnipeg and the surrounding area, including pool renovations, pool repairs, pool liner replacement, pool equipment, and safety covers. The company offers free pool repair kits to pool owners and has also expanded into selling red cedar saunas.