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How to Maintain the Deck Around the Pool

Did you have any idea that a major aspect of a pool renovation is new decking?  In turn, part of your pool upkeep is to maintain the decking that surrounds it, yet, because it isn’t the main event, this measure often can be neglected, or forgotten. A pool deck which is not maintained properly, unfortunately, may lead to problems for your house and your pool. Therefore, if you do not already have a strong strategy to sustain the decking that surrounds the pool, we are here to be of assistance.

Power Washer

If you have not already bought one, you will want to have a pressure washer available. It isn’t the cheapest cleaning equipment piece you will ever invest in; however, it is worth it in the long-term. Considering you are likely planning on having that swimming pool around for years into the future, it is a small price to pay to make sure that the decking that surrounds your swimming pool is cleaned and in good shape, so it’ll continually support the pool’s overall cleanliness and health, too.

Clear the Deck

Before cleaning your deck, you will want to remove all tables, chairs, décor, and plants which are on your deck. It’ll give you the best opportunity at completely cleaning the pool’s decking and will permit you to use a bit more pressure. Also, it provides you the chance to reimagine the pool’s decor scheme, as well as move things around to renew the appearance of the pool. While you are at it, power-cleaning the deck around the pool is something you ought to put off doing until the pool is drained.

Give consideration to Additional Cleaning Tools

The power washer is going to do the majority of the work, yet you may want to give consideration to having extra cleaning tools available to assist you in tackling trouble spots and handling areas that the power washer just cannot navigate with the nuance you require it to. In addition to the power washer, you may have some brushes or scrubs to help, and you’ll certainly want a washing liquid that removes all algae or bacteria buildup which might’ve occurred. Occasionally, water alone just does not do the trick.

Be Gentle

We understand that being gentle and “power washer” may not go hand in hand, yet the key here includes ensuring you aren’t using the power washer on full-blast. A milder setting often will do the trick, and keep in mind it is easier to take things up a notch if it isn’t cleaning as deeply as you want it to than it is to undo any damage a too-powerful power wash may do to your decking and pool.

Maintaining the deck around the pool is an important aspect of pool maintenance, although it might not instantly seem like it belongs on this list. At the end of a day your swimming pool, and anything swimming pool-adjacent requires cleaning, care, and attention all year long to keep the pool in good shape and avoid the recurring necessity for repairs or replacement.

For more information on the leading indoor pool renovation company contact UV Pools today!

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