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Swimming Pool Care for Dog Owners

In the dog days of summer, your swimming pool is the ideal way for you and your dog to cool off. While it generally is safe for your pup to take a dive into your pool, there are some pool care and safety precautions you ought to take. Here, the pool heater Winnipeg company of UV Pools explains more in detail: 


Chlorine: Is it Safe for Dogs?

So long as it is okay for human beings to swim, it is okay for dogs. But, just like in humans, high chlorine levels may cause eye or skin irritation. While it will not hurt dogs, it is a great idea to rinse them off after they swim. Plus, while it is okay for canines to swallow some swimming pool water, it isn’t a good idea for them to consume it in excess. Have an abundance of fresh water available for tired dogs. And keep in mind infections can be caused by wet ears, and not chlorine; therefore, be certain to correctly dry their ears after they swim.


How Does my Pup Affect the Pool Chemistry and Equipment?

The majority of pool surfaces will be okay except for the ones which are vinyl lined. If your swimming pool is vinyl, be wary of nail punctures. In the majority of cases the filter will be fine, as well. Unless it is undersized or you have multiple dogs in the pool, your filter ought to have the ability to deal with some additional hair. In order to help it out, brush the dog before swimming to assist in releasing loose hair and utilize a skimmer sock, which gathers the hair before it gets to the filter. So long as you check your filter pressure and vacuum the pool on a weekly basis, it should not be an issue.

After you swim, it’s possible to add a product that eliminates all organic contaminants. In addition, make certain that you check the water chemistry frequently to ensure your pH and chlorine levels are in their perfect ranges. Get the water tested and be aware of the number of phosphates and nitrates.


Safety tips for swimming with canines

Some pups are natural swimmers, yet other ones don’t like water, whatsoever. It is vital to not force dogs into the swimming pool if they do not want to swim. Some dog breeds, like the ones that have short legs, aren’t swimmers. If you actually want them to be inside the water, there are an abundance of selections for life vests.

Even if your pet is a skilled swimmer, it is a great back-up in the instance your pooch gets too tired to hold himself up. This may occur to canines of any age. It also is wise to invest in swim lessons. 

Keep a close eye out for indications of anxiety or fatigue in your dog. Also, ensure that your pup knows where the steps are located and that they’re clearly marked with a plant or additional large object. Finally, keep pets away from stored chemical containers in order to prevent accidental consumption.

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