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How to Keep Debris Out of Your Inground Swimming Pool

As a swimming pool owner, you know the importance of keeping your inground swimming pool free of debris and clean. You always want the inground pool to be ready for use, refreshing, and inviting. Additionally, good maintenance practices will now assist in preventing frustrations in the future that may be caused by neglect.

Preventative maintenance is paramount in keeping your inground pool in pristine shape. Below we list some tips to keep debris out of the inground pool.

Clean the Inground Pool

It might seem obvious, yet to keep debris out of the pool, you will need to clean it on a routine basis. Clean the skimmer basket out weekly or as necessary.

You also will want to check the lint and hair pot situated on the front of your pool pump every few weeks or as necessary. Turn the pump off and release the pressure on your system before you twist off the lid.

In conjunction with skimming your swimming pool daily to catch all recent debris, we suggest maintaining the pool by vacuuming it weekly. Begin on the shallow end of the pool and slowly move back and forth toward the deeper part.

Check the Levels of Water

You might not know it, but the water must be directly at the middle level of the tile line or pool skimmer for optimal performance and results. If it’s low, it might run the pump dry. If it’s high, the skimmer weir door won’t work correctly, and the skimming action is going to be minimal. Keeping water at the proper levels ensures that the skimmer is working the way it’s supposed to.

Try Tennis Ball Trick

Toss some tennis balls into the pool to gather residual oils which might be in the pool, whether it’s from natural body oils or any synthetic oils such as body lotions and sunscreen.

Trim All Surrounding Trees

Checking the inground pool’s surrounding landscaping might help keep debris away from the pool. If you have a ton of leaves or blossoms in the pool, you might want to think about trimming back any nearby bushes or trees or even completely replacing them.

Use Leaf Cover

If you have a substantial quantity of leaves surrounding the pool, try to use a leaf cover to keep them out of your pool. A leaf cover keeps leaves out while permitting rainwater in. They’re usually made of mesh or netting and must be picked up and emptied around one time per week in autumn.

Close the Pool in the Winter

If you reside in a locality of the country in which it isn’t feasible to use the pool all year long, you definitely should close the pool, or “winterize” it, for the winter months. Closing your swimming pool will help keep it within the best shape possible for long-range use.

Consistently cleaning the inground pool extends the life of the pool and prevents algae and debris from eating away at the swimming pool materials and building up.

For more information on our Winnipeg Rubaroc installer contact UV Pools today!

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